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Searching Upward
Justin H
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2017
Contest Winner
I took this photo at Badwater Basin in Death Valley National Park. I went to Death Valley to escape my comfort zone in city life and see what the unexplored world is like. However, much to my dismay, Death Valley was crowded with tourists and cars all day in each location I went to. I couldn't find the escape from humanity I was looking for during the day, so I decided to go out at sunset. I walked out into Badwater Basin, the lowest point in North America, to take sunset pictures. However, I had not anticipated how fast the sun would set and my dad and I were soon lost in complete, moonless darkness with only 1 flashlight, miles out into the featureless, flat basin. I had been looking to explore but had gotten more than I had hoped for. However, in the darkness, I discovered something far more interesting than the flat basin: the stars. Living in the city, I had never seen more than a few stars, but now I could see the milky way for the first time. Amazed as I was, I was more focused on returning to safety in the parking lot than taking photos. When we finally got back to the car, completely by chance finding the walkway again, I realized I had found the perfect photo to represent my ordeal and discovery. Leaning against the car, which I used to symbolize my comfort zone and safety, I pointed the flashlight that I used to wander out into the basin at the sky, and the milky way I discovered in the darkness. I put my camera on a tripod, composed the scene, and fired the remote trigger.

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